Subject: Thyrator Room, 11 Sept 1943
Published: January 1996
By: Marvin Petzholdt
Am enclosing a check for postage or whatever you want to use it for.
I didn’t make Milwaukee this year as I had my second heart surgery – 4 bypasses and a peg valve put in. I was in hospital 37 days and couldn’t travel that soon after.
I went aboard the Savannah March 6, 1942 in Bermuda and left her in Philadelphia. My battle station was the thyrator room to keep the port and starboard stash guns in automatic. I went top side to the bridge to use the urinal and just stepped back out and watched the bomb come down. It looked like it was going to hit you right between the eyes and no place to go to get away from it.
Ensign Booth went top side to shave and because of it he came out alive. I still had a can of peaches down there and that’s what made me mad.
I want to thank everyone who signed the “Get Well” card in Milwaukee. It sure made my day. I’m getting better now but it is very slow.
Will see everyone next year in San Diego, I hope.
Marvin Petzholdt